Kimberly WinardiComment

Giving Tuesday 2019

Kimberly WinardiComment
Giving Tuesday 2019

Hello friends!

It’s been awhile. I find that it’s been hard trying to find time to write while being in school, but I have a couple of things in the works (especially in the new year)! There are a couple of posts coming out before the year ends, but more to come in the new year.

Also, if you haven’t yet, please sign up for my newsletter (bottom right corner)! I’m revamping my newsletter for the new year and committing to sending at least one update a month. Don’t worry, I won’t spam you - this is just a great way for me to stay in touch with you with regards to things happening, new food spots to check out, new projects that I’m involved in, etc. Would love you to be part of the community, so please sign up!

On to today’s post!

What is giving tuesday?

It’s a movement dedicated to giving back , whether it be to certain individuals, organizations/projects, communities and the world in general. Giving Tuesday is on the Tuesday after US Thanksgiving (After Black Friday and Cyber Monday).

I know that giving can (and should) occur throughout the year, but I do love what this day represents! It helps kicks off the holiday season with a reminder that the world needs some love & change - and that we can be that change in the world, just a little bit at a time. And honestly, I always reflect during this time about how blessed I am. Then I think about the number of people in this world that are not as fortunate as I am and drives me to want to give back.

So similar to last year, I want to take this time with this post to encourage you to give back or thinking of ways you can give back! Whatever you can give, whether it be $1, $5, $100, $1000 - every little bit helps. Also, it’s not just about financial donations. You can think about giving back your time by volunteering at different organizations or programs or communities. Your time is just as important!

As part of this encouragement to give back, I wanted to share with you some organizations that I really love and/or connect with and will be supporting this year. This is just to give some of you who are confused ideas as to where you can donate!

Compassion canada

Donation Link:

I love Compassion! My family and I have been supporting Compassion for many years through their sponsor a child program. What I love about Compassion is that their organization does more than just hand out food. They have a holistic child development model where they help these precious kids with things like education, health care, etc. in addition to food. Not to mention, the organization partners these kids with local churches so that the kids have a local community who can understand and respond to their challenges. They make a real and lasting change.

With that said, there is some exciting news coming up related to Compassion! It’s still in the works, but stay tuned to more information soon!

If you are interested in making a donation to Compassion, the link is above! You can make a general donation or if you would like, specific donations like providing safe drinking water. If you are looking for something more, I would really encourage you to participate in their sponsor a child program!


Donation Link:
Instagram Link:

One of my favourite insta/youtube families, the Devines, holds an annual (semi-annual now?) volunteer expedition in different parts of the world. This year they went to Kenya to visit and support this really awesome organization called Mattaw Children’s Village! As I looked more into it, fell more and more in love with what they stand for. I love that the founders, Bud and Kimberly, have this passion for these precious children in Kenya. They believe in empowering children through education and placing these vulnerable children in loving family.

It is SO cool what they are doing at Mattaw Children’s Village! They have stepped away from a traditional orphanage model into a family model, where each family has a mother, father and 8-12 children. And as a future teacher, I love that they put such an emphasis on education. As part of Giving Tuesday, Mattaw Children’s Village is raising funds to send their children to school: university, college, designer school, beauty school, and high school!

If you are interested in donating, the link is above! I have also put a link to their instagram page so you can learn more about this wonderful organization! I can’t want to keep updated with the things going on over there and hopefully one day I will be able to visit too!

Mental Health Initiatives

Mental health and mental health awareness is SO important. I am a firm believer of making your mental health a priority.

Year over year, the number of people affected by mental illness has increased. A lot of these individuals don’t have access to the support that they need or don’t reach out for help due to stigma.

So instead of one mental health initiative, below are three amazing organizations/initiatives/movements that you can donate to:


    I heard about TWLOHA years ago and I was really touched by their story. TWLOHA is a movement that presents hope and finds help for those who are struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide.

    More about TWLOHA:
    Donation link:


    I just recently came across Anthem of Hope not long ago. I love the name of their organization - it encompasses their mission, which is to help amplify hope for those who are battling brokenness, depression, anxiety, self-harm, addiction, and suicide. I also love that this faith-centered organization spreads the love of God through this ministry and is dedicated to providing support to those who are in need.

    Learn More:
    Donation Link:


    Kids Help Phone provide 24/7 confidential service to young people with emotional and mental health needs. Also, these services are free and affordable. There are more and more young people subject to emotional and mental distress and organizations like Kids Help Phone help save lives.

    Learn More:
    Donation Link:


I’ve decided that every year, I will include an organization or project on my list of Giving Tuesday post that is dedicated to animal or wildlife conservation.

This year I’ve picked the World Wildlife Fund once again, but for a completely different project. Did you hear about how Koalas are now a vulnerable population? Some experts believe that koalas are functionally extinct, where the population has declined to a point where it can no longer play a significant role in the ecosystem or the population is no longer viable.

Whether or not this is true, bushfires have significantly affected the koala population in Australia. They may not be extinct right at this moment, but they are on the road to that if we don’t do something to help.

If you are considering giving to a conservation project today, would you consider giving to the Koala Crisis Appeal? Your donation will go into things like helping plant trees for the koala habitat and the care for koalas injured in the bushfires.

Donation Link:

SO, Thank you for reading this!

I know that there are SO many amazing organizations that would love and need your support! These are just some suggestions and initiatives that have inspired me/connected with me this year.

Happy Giving!
