2021 was a rollercoaster year, filled with many ups and downs.

Take COVID-19 for example, the third wave hit the world in the spring, and by summer, it felt like we were finally turning the page on this pandemic. Now with this new variant, Omicron, it seems like we’re right back where we started. 

At the time of writing this letter, our whole family was supposed to be in Portugal on a long awaited winter vacation. Unfortunately, we decided to cancel our trip due to a last minute government travel advisory warning Canadians not to leave the country due to the new COVID variant. We’ve had our fair share of big trips being cancelled, especially during the years that Esther was sick, but the whole cancellation process was still extremely saddening. And unfortunately, we are left with a lot more uncertainties now more than ever. But one thing remains the same throughout this year, and throughout all seasons of our life: God is good. His plans are greater than what we can even imagine for ourselves, even when we sometimes can’t see the big picture.

Monty also had plans to go to Indonesia this year to visit family and friends and to explore what he can do when he retires. Unfortunately, due to the Indonesian border being closed after a hard wave of COVID in the summer, he was unable to do so. He still currently works part-time, is able to go on morning walks almost every day, he continues to play golf for a couple of months of the year, and now consistently plays ping pong every week with friends from church. Moreover, he continues to keep serving God through our church. He hopes next year, if God wills it, he will be able to think and plan more for his retirement.

Kimberly began the year accepting her first Long-Term Occasional Teaching contract as a Virtual Kindergarten teacher. Though online teaching can be a challenge, Kimberly enjoyed every moment of it. She was offered another contract in September to teach Grade 1, this time in-person, where she has a very own classroom. The transition was quite difficult, but she feels so grateful and privileged to have this incredible opportunity. While teaching has its own difficulties and challenges, she is passionate about what she does and feels that God really called her to be in this vocation. She is excited to see where this new journey takes her!

We are so fortunate this year to add another member to our family! On May 28, 2021, Jennifer and Adriel were married surrounded by their loved ones.

The journey to the wedding was so incredibly tumultuous, with so many mishaps and trials like changing restrictions due to the pandemic and an unfinished wedding dress. Despite it all, the day was perfect in its own way and we wouldn’t have changed it for the world.

We are also excited to welcome another new member to our family next year—a baby boy! Due end of March 2022, we are so excited to welcome this new addition and kindly ask for your prayers that God protects both the baby and Jennifer throughout the pregnancy and beyond.

In July, we also had the opportunity to go to British Columbia and Alberta on a family trip to celebrate Jennifer and Adriel’s marriage and to visit extended family in Calgary! It was so incredible to see the mountain ranges, to eat great food, and spend quality time with Uncle David, Auntie Meity, Ci Vina and Ci Gabby. Some of our favourite highlights were riding the gondolas in Whistler, whale watching in Richmond, and going to the Calgary Stampede. We feel so grateful for the chance to go on this trip and can’t wait for the day when we can return in the near future.

Kimberly extended her cross Canada trip in August, visiting the East Coast with one of her close friends from school. She loved seeing the different landscapes and food that Canada has to offer, from coast-to-coast. 

Sometimes it can be daunting to think about what 2022 will bring us, especially when we look back at all the troubles of the past two years. However, even during such an unprecedented season of life, we can see that God was at work through it all. Despite not being able to travel abroad or make any meaningful long term plans, God has always gifted us with new morning mercies everyday. As a family, we will continue to hold fast to Him and follow wherever He takes us this next year. 

Sending you all warm wishes and virtual hugs! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monty - Kimberly - Jennifer - Adriel